Still Jacey

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Command Position

You’re watching a scary movie. The main character walks into the room, looking around for the scary killer, but they turn their back to the door. The creepy serial killer sneaks in through the door behind them. You’re screaming at the TV, “OMG TURN AROUND, HES COMING TO KILL YOU, WHY WOULDN’T YOU FACE THE DOOR?! TURN AROUND!!!!!”

This is your subconscious every time you sit at your desk with your back to the door. You might not notice it, hence subconscious, but it’s putting your on alert, anxiously awaiting an unannounced intruder, slowly draining your energy, distracting you from your work whether you notice it or not.

Let me know if you've felt this way recently:

An opportunity slipped past you, without you being aware it was even there. “How did I miss that!?”

Problems “sneak up” on you? “Ugh, I didn’t see that coming!”

You feel unsupported at work or home, you feel like people don’t have your back. “I have do this alone, they don’t understand, they are probably saying XYZ about me.”

Or maybe you’re feeling like no one takes your seriously in a leadership role or values the work you do. “Did they even notice I went above and beyond here?? Why did they get that promotion over me, I’m qualified!”

Command Position in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui we highlight the importance of command position for desks, beds, and stoves. These are important places of the home that are used for necessary and specific things. Your desk is where you make your money, where you focus your energy to create and bring in opportunities and abundance. Your bed is for relaxations and rejuvenation. Your stove is where you feed yourself and your family, energetically creating an abundance of love, resources, and energy into your life. Being out of command in these locations puts you out of control of these aspects of your life and overtime does a number on your nervous system as you anxiously await “the killer” (or whatever else) to pop up behind you at any moment while you are working, sleeping, or cooking.

To be in command position you want to face the doors, but not head on, no windows or doors behind you. You want to be able to see all entrances clearly (no surprise intruders here). One of my teachers described this as the mafia boss in the movies - sitting in the tall corner booth at the restaurant, able to see the whole place, aware of opportunities as they come, able to address problems right away if they approach.

Let’s look at these two home offices and compare -

This desk is in the opposite of command - the door directly behind and forward facing a boring wall. Would you feel powerful here? Would you feel inspired? I didn’t think so.

How would you feel differently sitting here? Would you feel in control of your work and inspired about your future? Ready to tackle anything that came your way?

The Home Office

We all know the pandemic significantly changed the modern workforce as we knew it. As of January 2022 59% of people were still working from home for the majority of the time (link to source). With more people working from home than ever before, the command position feels like a particularly important thing to address. Your office is the energetic embodiment of your professional success and your future ambitions. Placing your desk in the command position to give you the best energetic set up for success and reaching your professional goals.

Facing the wall

When you’re facing the wall you might be feeling like you’re hitting a professional “dead end.” There aren’t new promotions coming up, your boss isn’t open to that raise you proposed, you’re looking for a new job, but all you can find are lateral moves or worse, a demotion. Placing yourself in command gives you full control of the space in front of you, physically and energetically. You want to be able to see your future clearly, wide open spaces, baby, the world is your oyster!

You might think facing the wall feels out of the way, giving you more open space to use the room. But do you really want “being out of the way” to be your professional MO? Take up space! By placing yourself in command of the room you are signaling to yourself, your colleagues, and the universe that you are here, you are ready, and you are a professional force to be recorded with.

Real Estate Staging

Think about the energetic message your listing is sending to the client- you want them to think “wow, I’m really going to upgrade my life by investing in this home.” Selling a house with a home office is definitely a perk! See above the amount of people still doing that majority of their work at home, and see above the photos of staged home offices at two different listing in DC. When buyers are looking for a new house they want to feel empowered, capable, ready to take on their new life - professional and personally. By staging the home office with a desk in command you are signaling - “The person who buys this house will have true BOSS energy. Don’t you (potential buyer) want to be a in control of your career and make powerful professional upgrades, if yes picture yourself here, buy this house 😉.”


I find that most often people complain about unsightly cords sticking out, but there are solutions to this. This is when you can bring in a cord protector like this, or this cord management box.

Redoing the Home Office

There are many other consideration to make when feng shui-ing a home office. If you’ve found yourself feeling burnt out, drained, unsupported in your career, or devalued as an employee, a home office feng shui makeover can help you. Let’s create a space that support you, makes you feel empowered, up levels you energetically, both personally AND professionally! An investment in your home office is an investment in you - your abundance, your happiness, and your success. You can book a mini one room assessment and we can make this change for you.