Still Jacey

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Feng Shui Basics 101

In Chinese feng means “air” and shui means “water.” This ancient Chinese practice aims to harness the energy of the environment and harmonize it with you, the individual. The goal is to create a balanced space that will bring peace, luck, health, and abundance.  

A few basic principles:

Chi: the lifeforce energy that inhabits all things. You are born with your own unique Chi. You carry this Chi with you throughout your lifetime. Think,  your “spirit.”

Ling: The energy of the universe. What your Chi is made of when you are created. What your Chi turns into once your die.

Yin/Yang balance: Complementary dualities that make up all Chi.

Yin Energy: Feminine, earth, internal, moon, cold, dark, intuitive and ancestor connection.

Yang Energy: Masculine, heaven, heat, external, light, dryness, active.

Before we are born, atmospheric, cosmic Ling, circulates the universe and comes into our mother’s womb to create our spirit, our soul. We then become Chi. We are all made of Chi, this is the lifeforce within us, our spirit. This allows our heart to beat, our lungs to breath, our legs to walk, our mouths to speak. Our Chi is compiled of the dualities of yin and yang. We all have both parts within us. Everything on earth is made of yin and yang energy. The point of feng shui is to balancing the yin and yang of our Chi to maintaining health, promote peace, and invite luck and abundance.

The Bagua Map:

To support the energies described above within the home you overlay the bagua map to identify the areas of the home corresponding to common energies and life themes (relationships, wealth, career, etc). The aim is for the energies of the home to be in harmony and flow. Understanding the meanings of each area help to balance the yin and yang of the home and the individual.

Bagua: This is a map that separates the 8 different areas of an environment (your home, office, bedroom, etc) into different life circumstances or energies (career, children, reputation, relationships, etc), along with the 9th center section that represents you. The center section touches all other guas and is impacted by each one. Each section of the Bagua has its own element, supporting and destructive elements, color, number, shape. They are also related to body parts and family members. The front entrance of the home always falls within one of the bottom three guas (knowledge, career, helpful people).

The Guas:

We can balance, enhance, or support certain areas of the home related to different goals or ideas throughout our lives. We do this by incorporating supportive elements, shapes, colors, and feng shui “adjustments.” A balanced home allows Chi to flow easily which promotes health, peace, luck and abundance.

Family/Ancestors/Health (Jen): Connection to family and ancestors, core health. Element – wood, number 3, shape – rectangle, supporting element – water, destructive element – fire, color – green, blue.

Abundance/Wealth/Prosperity (Hsun): increase prosperity and abundance, generate money, element – wood, number – 4, shape – rectangle, color – purple, gold.

Center/Physical and spiritual health: Harmony and personal wellbeing, element – earth, number 5, shape – square, supporting element – fire, destructive element – wood, color – yellow, brown, orange.

Helpful people/travel (Chyan): protection for traveling, attracting helpful people, element - metal, number 6, shape – round, oval, color – grey, white, black.

Children/Creativity/Future (Dwei): starting new creative endeavor, nurturing children, communication, element – metal, number – 7, supporting element – earth, destructive element – fire, color – white.

Knowledge/Spirituality/personal development (Gen): deepen personal understanding academically and spiritually. Element – water, number 8, shape – square.

Fame/Reputation (Li): what you are known for, element – fire, number 9, shape – triangle, Supportive element – wood, destructive element – water, color – red.

Career (Kan): work purpose,  element – water, number 1, shape -waves, supportive element – metal, destructive element – earth, color – black, dark blue.  

Love/Relationships/Marriage (Kuen): love for self and others, relationship with self and others. Element – earth, number 2, shape – square, color – pink, red, white.