Still Jacey

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Magical House Plant: Spider Plant

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Magical energies:

Abundance, energy clearing

Practical Magic:

These are wonderful for air purification (think air purification = energy purification).

Magical uses:

Abundance: These plants produce a lot of “babies!” Hello abundance! If you want to use spider plant in an abundance working speak affirmations to her and care for her lovingly. Once she starts to sprout tiny spider-like offshoots (babies), clip them and root them in water. Wait until their roots are about 3 inches and then they are ready to be planted in their own pot. While you plant them meditate on your abundance manifestations, speak your abundance intentions into the plant. As you care for and water the new little plants, visualize your own manifestations coming to life.

Energy clearing: Since these are so wonderful for air purification, they are also helpful with energy purification. If you have an altar space or area where you practice your magic, healing, or meditation, this plant would be a wonderful addition here. They can take any negative or stagnant energy and transmute it into clean and pure energy.

I have a spider plant in my bedroom, I visualize it cleansing my energy while I sleep.

I also have one hanging in my shower. Whenever I practice a shower cleansing I imagine that negativity washing off me and down the drain, the spider plant also helps to cleanse and purify any energy lingering around me.

These are indirect/medium light plants. When they become dull or limp they need water.

Spider plant in Feng shui

Guas associated with the wood element are a great location to place the spider plant - abundance gua, or family gua. They are also helpful in the bedroom, bathroom, or meditation space because of their energy clearing capabilities.


Diaz, J. (2020). Plant witchery: Discover the sacred language, wisdom, and magic of 200 plants. Hay House, Inc.