Still Jacey

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Flowers to Uplift the Chi

In Feng Shui we believe everything has energy, and all living things have their own unique energy. Each unique energy signature adds to a space and therefore can uplift or drain the energy of the environment. Fresh flower energy is one of the easiest ways to add in fresh chi and uplift the energy of your home.

Flowers have their own unique living chi that varries by type and color. As a plant they are related to the wood element which brings upward growth and forward progress. You can add flowers in to your home to call forward intentions based off of the area you place them in or the energy that they symbolize and emit.

Here are a few ideas for you to bring in flowers related to your intentions.

Prosperity and Abundance in the Office

Activate abundance energy in your life by placing flowers in the far left corner of your office or desk. Purple orchids are an especially auspicious flower for career success and abundance in Feng Shui. African violets provide the energy of self-love and protection. A potted African violet in the office can encourage you to be your best self in business and in life. Other purple flowers such as lilacs, carnations, and hydrangeas could also work in this area to activate that abundant royal purple energy.

Flowers in Real Estate Staging

You can be intentional as to what flower you bring into a staging based on the energy you are looking to inspire in your open house. Bringing in live flowers to your open house can really transform the space from feeling stale and stagnant to lively, cheerful, and uplifting.

Dried Flowers

These are unfortunately related to lifeless chi - not ideal. I do not recommend having these in the home whether that be to live in or to stage for real estate.

If you are attached to your dried flowers (dried wedding bouquet is what I’m thinking here), then make sure they remain vibrant, dustless, and well lit.