Front Door Manifestation Ritual

Do you have a monthly ritual or intention setting practice?

I’d love to share my personal practice with you! I like to reset my intentions and home energy monthly in the beginning of the month (usually on the 1st), but you can do this ritual any time you need a personal or home energy reboot. 

I talk a lot about the front door of our homes and how important it is from both a Feng Shui and energetic perspective. We know that the front door is the mouth of energy in the home and helps us call in opportunities, health, wealth, happiness, and more! This ritual takes that knowledge and uses it to emphasize the front door as a tool in manifestation and intentional energy magnetism. 

I did this ritual on July 1st and called in all three of my intentions by August 1st - literally to a T! One of my intentions was to have 20 people sign up for my first Home Energetics 101 workshop. I have never had that many people attend a workshop, I didn't even know if 20 people would be interested, or how I would find 20 people to attend. But over time people started signing up, others started sharing the link (my front door is located in the helpful people area of my home - coincidence? I don’t think so), and I ended up having 26 (!!!) people sign up!

Are you ready to use your front door to call in peace, love, abundance, blessings, and whatever else you desire? Read below to for a simple step by step on how to boost your Home Energetics using your front door!

Front Door Energetic Upgrade - Step by Step 

  1. Get a rag and your chosen cleaner (recipe for Feng Shui orange cleanser that I use). Wipe down your front door inside and out. Clean the front step/walkway to your front door. Shake out the welcome mat. 

  2. While cleaning, think about and visualize what you are calling in for the month ahead. Examples: Calling in more peace in your home - visualize a relaxing evening, peaceful conversation and connection between family members. Calling in abundance - visualize your sales, new clients, your boss telling you about your new raise, etc. Speak affirmations to yourself and your home. Examples: My home and I are money magnets. Our home is filled with peace and love. I am so grateful for this home and for living here. 

  3. Write on a piece of paper your intentions/goals/manifestations. Examples: This month I will sign three new clients. This month I will foster connection to my partner with weekly date night. Fold this paper and place it near your door, it can go under the welcome mat, in an eave above the door, the corner of the entryway, you find the right spot for you. The idea is that you are leaving these intentions by the door to energetically invite them, calling them to you and into your home. 

  4. Extra credit: Use cinnamon. Cinnamon has long been used for its energetic help in manifesting abundance and protection. Sprinkle cinnamon on your intentions, under your welcome mat, and on top of your welcome mat. Place a small pile of cinnamon in your non-dominant hand and blow it towards your door (blowing that abundance and protective energy towards and into your home). Speak and visualize your intentions as you work with the cinnamon. 

  5. Step back admire your work, extend gratitude to yourself and your home. Relax, and watch as your manifestations unfold for you.

Thank you for reading and happy manifesting!!!

Pink front door, floral front door, inviting entryway, front door energy

Water Element


Magical House Plant: Spider Plant