Channeled Message 2/26/22

“This is a Message of Support”

Divine light, divine light, divine light. You are divine light. Let it shine through your pores like sunbeams. Let it illuminate you inner and outer world. Feel your being radiate from inside to out.

We, dear one, are here to help you, to serve you, lean on us. Lean on me, when you are not strong, and also when you are. When you are strong let us rejoice together. Let us shine light beams too. See our light beams collide in celebration of you. You are our prize, dear one, and we will never tire of celebrating you, of celebrating your life and your human existence.

Feel the golden rod of support we are sending you now. Let it surround your body in a bubble of golden support and love. This is a message of support. Know that you are never alone, you are always in our hands. We carry your spirit gently within us, we will never let you fall.

Have faith, keep faith. Let us love you, support you, hold you. When you ease into faith and allowance of support you can flow, you can slide into alignment. Slide like on a slippery rock waterfall, gently bumping down into a crisp pool of clarity. Swim in the waters of clarity and let them bathe you. Let them cleanse your aura of what is not yours. Purify your aura with our crystal waters and see the grit and fear leaving you. See yourself anew again, bright and sparkling in every cell. See your aura fresh and clear with our support.

This is a message of trust and support, dear one, and we are here to provide that to you, lean in.


Archangel Energy


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