My Introduction to the Akashic Records

I was first introduced to the Akashic Records by my teacher, Nia Tracy Ostrand. I saw an advertisement for her class and the description read, “get in touch with your guides and angels.” I thought, “that sounds like something I’d be into!” The class was an investment, so I asked my guides “if I’m meant to take this class send me a sign.” I was driving at the time and every time I turned my head I saw an angel number, it was actually overwhelming! Of course, me being me, I said, “ok, I see these numbers and I think I will sign up for this class, but maybe this is just convenient since I’m driving. Let me ask for a more specific sign, just to be sure, if I'm meant to take this class send me a pink flamingo.”

The next morning at work I started walking down the hallway to see my patients and I saw a bright pink flamingo in balloon form moving towards me. A coworker had attached it to her computer and was parading down the hallway with it. It was right in my face. I smiled and said, “ok guides! I see it! I’ll sign up for the class!”

During the class I was astonished with how easily I picked it up and all the information I received for my classmates. I was hooked! It was so fun! I felt so connected in the records, everything was coming in so clearly! My teacher and classmates gave me great feedback and really helped me trust my intuitive knowing and all the messages coming in. I was receiving images like movies moving across my mind along with words and phrases with supportive messages. When they would ask a question, I would simply get the answer in my mind’s eye, it felt effortless.

After class I just wanted to keep practicing. I started reading for myself almost daily, connecting in to the records to meditate, journal, or before bed inviting my guides to my dreams. I wanted to practice on others as well, so I reached out in a Facebook group I’m in with like-minded women offering donation based readings for practice. The people I read for loved it! They started referring their friends! It wasn’t long before I felt confident enough to actually charge for the readings.

The excitement I feel reading for others was as potent then as it is now. Every time someone books a reading I do a happy dance. During the reading as I’m accessing the client’s records with my prayer, I feel butterflies, my heart quickens, and my body gets hot. Once the records are opened, information starts flowing and I can feel the energy from their guides all around me.

Channeling messages from the records brings me so much joy. I thank they guides everyday for choosing me for this work.

A little bit about an Akashic Record reading with me

During an Akashic Record reading I open your records and am in direct conversation with your guides. You can ask any questions you have regarding purpose, career, relationships, past lives, how to connect to your guides, etc.. Then they communicate with me through pictures, words, knowing, and feelings in my body and I deliver the message to you through loving energy and explanation. Through the records we can have an open and loving conversation between you and your guides, I am simply the conduit of your questions and their love and messages. The Akashic Record reading is a container for love and healing. Throughout the reading your guides are sending loving energy to you and lifting your vibration. The Akashic Records are a powerful tool that helps to empower, transform, and understand our soul’s true being.

Book a reading with me here


Herbal Infusion


Channeled Message 3/8/22