Spiritual Book Review: Sura Flow, 3 Steps to Effortless Meditation & Unexpected Miracles

An advertisement on social media for “Beginner Meditation Teacher Training” caught my eye leading up to my 30th birthday. I thought “I could do this? At the very least I’ll deepen my own practice.” I told myself this was my 30th birthday present from me to me. I signed up and started the course with Sura, Chela, and other participants shortly after. The course was a total of 30 hours of interactive zoom practice sessions with other students around the globe. We also completed weekly homework assignments to hone our skills and deepen our personal practices.

At this time, I had been practicing meditation, mindfulness, and multiple of spiritual practices for a few years, but I had not really felt called to lead others yet. This course really opened my mind and my heart. I felt a sense of peace and purpose while leading my classmates through meditations. I loved learning about the Sura Flow meditation method and how to make an impact on others through meditation. Even the other participants would tell me “Wow, you can really hear the passion in your voice!”

During the course Sura told us about her new book which was due to publish by the end of our training. I ordered my copy the day of our course graduation. This book is a beautiful depiction of Sura’s lifework, finding the Sura Flow method of meditation, and how she came to share it with the world. The Sura Flow method of meditation is one I fall back on time and time again. It is a simple recipe to connect to the heart center, finding stillness in the body and mind.

One of my favorite takeaways from the books is where Sura shares her own personal practice. I have incorporated her method of journaling which she calls “Divine Notes” ever since finishing the book. Divine Notes is where you sit quietly and commit to writing at least two pages in your journal for ten minutes. Sura states that writing in this way puts you in a state of effortless flow and direct conversation with source energy (God, Spirit, the Universe, etc.). When I sit down to write my Divine notes I write about the previous day, dreams, things that are troubling me, I write prayers to my guides, I write about anything that comes into my mind! When we find a moment of stillness and put pen to paper, our divine self steps forward. We can connect to our own hearts to find answers and deeper truths. We can process difficult emotions and work through problems with a sense of trust and safety. I will write something further on my journaling practice at another time.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in developing and connected to a deeper meditation practice. Sura’s methods are simple, effective, and heart centered. Her meditation script is easy to follow and implement in your own practice. I would also recommend the Sura Flow Beginner Meditation Teacher training to anyone who is interested in taking their practice further and is interested in sharing meditation with others. If anyone has questions about my experience in the Sura Flow Beginner Mediation Teacher Training I would be happy to answer.


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