A Little Bit About My Journey

I began my spiritual journey after years of trying too hard, questioning myself, my path, and my purpose. As a young adult I partied a lot, I embarrassed myself, I self-sabotaged, I struggled to find my connection to the world around me and the universe as a whole (anyone else with 6/2 HD understand?). When I look back on some of those experiences and events I cringe. How could I have been living so far out of alignment? But the truth is I didn’t know my potential, and I certainly didn’t know the potential of the universe.

It all happened with one fateful $20 month of unlimited yoga from a local studio at the peak of my Saturn return. When I was in class I felt a connection to my body and my breath that I had never experienced. It was a divine connection, I was in the zone. I began meditating and learning about yogic teachings. I loved that yoga isn’t just for the body, it’s for the mind and the spirit too. This spiritual experience had never really hit me before. Then I read “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. I started to open myself up to the limitless love and abundance of the universe and something clicked inside me. “Why do I think so cynically? Why not believe in a higher power outside myself? What if I a can manifest everything I want?”


I started exploring all these “woo woo” avenues. Three months later I became Reiki attuned. Reiki was cool and the energy made me feel powerful, but it wasn’t “it” for me. I met my power animal and spirit guides in workshops. I did a yoga and meditation retreat. I kept learning and reading and seeking and practicing.

During my journey of spiritual discovery meditation was the one common practice that kept me grounded and connected, especially during two years of grad school. In my meditation I could just be, it was quiet, I didn’t judge myself, I wasn’t seeking, I felt stillness and peace within my body, my heart, and my head. When I saw the Beginner Meditation Teacher Course with Sura Flow I knew I had to take it. It ignited a passion and desire within me to share meditation and spirituality with others. That’s when @stilljacey was born.

The Akashic Records were just another class I came upon, I felt deeply drawn to it. I asked the universe to send me a sign if I was meant to take the class and boy did they came in, they sent the sign over and over again until I had to ask them to stop! When I’m in the records I’m in pure flow, I’m channeling divine messages. I feel so connected it’s crazy. Sometimes I don’t even realize what’s coming through until it’s already said and I open my eyes and the person I’m reading for is like “whoa, how did you know that?” I feel so secure in the records, I feel like I’ve done it before, and I know I have.


When I look back on my “troubled” (?) times I don’t even recognize those thought patterns and behaviors as my own, but I see my deep soul learning and evolving. I know my guides brought me through all this learning and evolving for a purpose. I know I definitely would not be who I am today without those experiences (as cringe as they are to me now lol).

I’m still exploring that exact expression of my purpose, but I know I’m getting really close! I’m just so happy to be here, and so grateful to be on this journey, and I’m so happy you are here too! If my story resonated with you I’d love to chat, please always feel free to send me a DM! And thank you for reading my story!


Belonging to Myself


Let’s Talk About Spirit Guides