Newsletter Issue #12
This week I’ve been focusing on my physical health. In home energetics we talk a lot about emotional, mental, or spiritual wellbeing, but the function of the physical body in the home is just as important.
Did you know that each area of your home actually correlates with a body part? For example, the front left corner relates to the hands, the back right, the abdomen. For simplicity, this week I want to talk about the main personal wellness area, the center of the home, called the “tai chi.” The center of the home represents your personal energy overall, the balance (or imbalance) of your energy, and it touches all other areas in the home. It’s important to have healthy personal wellness to positively impact the other areas of importance like family, abundance, relationships, etc. Making a change in the tai chi center can make a strong impact in the rest of your life.
Here are a few ways you can tend to your tai chi area:
Remove any clutter from the middle of your home, this area should be free flowing.
Wear yellow. This is an energizing color that supports happiness and optimism.
Make that doctors appointment you’ve been putting off, tend to your physical wellness.
Bring in fresh flowers. Either a fresh bouquet of any color in the tai chi area, or a bouquet of yellow anywhere.
Meditative movement: walking in nature, qigong, tai chi, yoga, dance.
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I’m here for you!
I’d love to work with you on your Home Energetics! Check out more information here. Gift card options are available for all my services!
If you are thinking about booking with me (or buying a gift card) but are unsure which option to choose or if Home Energetics is right for you, feel free to book a free consultation call with me and we can discuss!
Sending love,