Orange Feng Shui Energy Clearing Spray
Happy (belated) Summer Solstice!
I love this time of year when the sun is strong and the days last so long! I’ve been talking about home energy clearing on my instagram lately and I thought it would be an opportune time to discuss space clearing with the sun energy of oranges in this simple feng shui energy clearing ritual!
The sun represents masculine energy, called yang in feng shui. It is fire energy, always burning and shining, even when we can’t see it, making it dependable, steady, and strong. The sun is associated with the solar plexus chakra, our inner fire and personal power. In astrology we most commonly refer to our sun sign as our personality and core sense of self.
Energy clearing is an ancient practice found in many different cultures. In feng shui it is believed that our homes, and everything else in the world, have their own inherent energy or Chi. The overall practice of feng shui is to enhance the Chi of a space or environment in order to support our own personal Chi. You and your home’s Chi can be impacted by stagnant energy, previous owners energy, and negative experiences. By clearing the energy of your home you are promoting a “clean slate” to live in, uplifting the Chi for yourself and your home.
In feng shui, oranges are likened to a smaller version of a strong golden sun, they are used to symbolize the energies of luck, positivity, and abundance.
By harnessing the energy of the sun in this orange infused clearing spray you can transmute the energy of your home to be energizing and revitalizing. Follow the steps below to create the tincture and then spray throughout your home for an uplifting energy boost and infusion of positive energy into your space. Happy space clearing!
9 oranges. 9 is an auspicious or “lucky” number in feng shui, you can peel more, but try to have it be a multiple of 9. If you want to make a small batch, use 3 oranges since 9 is divisible by 3.
Witch hazel, clear alcohol, or vinegar
Spray bottle
1. Wash and peel your oranges and place the peels in a bowl. Eat the oranges or share with a friend :).
2. Pour in witch hazel, vinegar, or alcohol (cheap 80+ proof vodka works). Your measurement will depend on how much of the spray you are making.
3. Soak the orange peels in the liquid of choice. I usually leave it for 4-12 hours.
4. Strain the peels from the liquid and pour it into your bottle with a spray top.
5. Ground yourself and set your intention for the space clearing. I like to state out loud the energy I am clearing and verbalize what I would like to call in. I usually open the windows to allow the negative energy to leave and invite fresh energy to come in with the fresh air.
6. Begin the energy clearing by walking throughout your home spraying the infused tincture. Make sure to spray in any dark corners, closets, hidden spaces, or areas where the energy feels “stuck” or “stale.”
You can use water in a pinch, but this will not last very long and will need to be disposed of when the substance gets cloudy. I wouldn’t keep a water mixture for more that 48 hours.
I like to place crystals related to the energy I’m call in around the bowl while the oranges soak. For abundance I use pyrite, citrine, and amethyst. For clarity and cleansing I’ll use selenite and clear quartz.
If you are looking for a specific routine for the clearing like where to start and end, check out Tracing the 9 Stars for a mystical feng shui adjustment practice.
You can use the solution to wash your front door to invite in positive energy to your home and life. Add cinnamon for extra abundance energy.
Glass bottles work the best. I also like to use a recycled cleaning bottle when I have them.
Vinegar works well if you are interested in also making this a cleaning solution. If making a vinegar cleaner, I would soak the peels for longer to absorb more of the orange scent since vinegar itself can be quite strong.
Do a spot test before spraying directly on surfaces.