Tracing the 9 Stars

Energy Clearing Feng Shui Practice

If you read earlier about space clearing with smoke or the orange peel spray, you might be wondering “what is a good a way to go about the act of clearing? Where do I start, what should I say?”

Tracing the 9 Stars is a mystical method for adjusting the energy (Chi) of your home. In this practice you walk through the 9 guas of your home in a star-like pattern with or without a clearing tool (smoke, spray, selenite) to activate positive Chi and dispel negative Chi. You can also complete this in meditation without physically tracing the guas.

Before practicing the adjustment you must prepare your energy and set the intention for your practice. It is best to do the Heart Sutra meditation to calm and ground your energy. In this meditation you connect to your heart center and call in light that protects your personal Chi. By calling in light to help you with this practice you can protect your own Chi.

While tracing the 9 guas, whether physically walking them or in your mind’s eye, imagine the light of your heart center illuminating the space and projecting outwards into your home and the area surrounding. Send blessings to each area and imagine the entire space cleansed and renewed. If using a clearing tool send its energy into each gua as well.

Step by Step:

  1. Set your intention for this clearing practice.

  2. Complete the Heart Sutra meditation to ground your energy and connect to your heart center.

  3. Start in the family gua (1; Jen) send blessings and light into this area and even outside the home.

  4. Move into the wealth gua (2; Hsun) continue to send blessings and light into every area as you move through.

  5. Next is personal health/center gua (3)

  6. Then through to helpful people (4; Chyan)

  7. Up to creativity/children (5; Dwei)

  8. Over to knowledge/self cultivation (6; Gen)

  9. Across to fame/reputation (7; Li)

  10. Through to career (8; Kan)

  11. And finally into love/relationships/marriage (9; Kuen)

  12. Close the practice with an intentional prayer. Call in your own Chi and focus on heart centered gratitude. Thank your guides, ancestors, and feel into the refreshed Chi of your home.


  1. To enhance the intention for a particular gua I like to say a correlating affirmation or prayer 3 times. For example, in the relationship gua I might repeat, “my partner and I are a loving and respectful team,” or in the abundance section, “money flows easily to me.”

  2. Remember to protect your Chi while completing the ritual. Envision the light from your heart illuminating the guas, but don’t infuse your energy or send your energy away from you.

  3. You do not need to have a clearing tool with you, you can also simply imagine your light illuminating the guas to clear the energy.


Cleansing Tools, Cultural Appropriation, and Ancestral Connection


Orange Feng Shui Energy Clearing Spray